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    Расскажу Все Подробно!!!
    Лазию на Slando.kz Зашел в Темму Отдам даром там вот обьявление Вот тут
    Ну Добавился в Skype К нему и как раз 19 участником вышел!Тут он говорит типо щас вам на телефон код пришлю и мне его скажете ну пришел я ему сказал!Тут он говорит Результаты будут в понедельник ну и он мне сегодня Травит!!!Вы Выйграли есть ли у вас связи в Америке чтобы передать Этот айфон я говорю нету тогда он пишет За доставку 100$ Надо отослать ему!!!
    Я думаю так что надо сначала отправить его в Казахстан и Потом он будет лежать на почте а чтобы его забрать тогда уже Базара нету отдам эти 100$!!!
    Как вы думаете!!!???
    Модеры не закрывайте тему просто мне важно это узнать!!!Первый раз Сцуко такое!)
    Вот их сайт http://el-sprint.webs.com/

    Добавлено через 01:58 мин.

    [24.08.2012 18:31:41] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Я насчет
    [24.08.2012 18:31:49] ↨†Anonymous†↨: iphone Apple, 4s 32gb.
    [24.08.2012 18:32:29] Andrew E Kunets: hello do you speak english?
    [24.08.2012 18:32:50] ↨†Anonymous†↨: http://astana.akm.slando.kz/obyavlenie/apple-iphone-4s-32gb-podarok-ot-esprint-ID4goiZ.html#34c8c29a;r:13;s:87
    [24.08.2012 18:34:07] ↨†Anonymous†↨:
    Hi I'm on your ad! that you have placed this ad http://astana.akm.slando.kz/obyavlenie/apple-iphone-4s-32gb-podarok-ot-esprint-ID4goiZ.html#34c8c29a;r:13;s:87
    [24.08.2012 18:34:07] Andrew E Kunets: ОК, вы за iphone Apple, 4s 32gb, поздравляю вас 19 человек для участия в лотерее iphone Apple,
    [24.08.2012 18:34:40] ↨†Anonymous†↨:
    And what should I do?!
    [24.08.2012 18:35:11] ↨†Anonymous†↨: I can take the win?
    [24.08.2012 18:35:22] Andrew E Kunets: Для участия Вам необходимо зарегистрироваться профиль с нами, вы должны предоставить нам следующую информацию
    [24.08.2012 18:35:34] Andrew E Kunets: имя и номер мобильного телефона
    [24.08.2012 18:36:53] ↨†Anonymous†↨:
    The number of hundreds:87071098530
    [24.08.2012 18:37:35] Andrew E Kunets: Нормально Хорошо подождите код активации, то он будет отправлен на ваш телефон, когда вы получаете код, отправьте его мне здесь, на скайп сразу
    [24.08.2012 18:40:38] ↨†Anonymous†↨: But in the Meaning that you give 20 people of the Apple iphone, 4s 32gb
    [24.08.2012 18:40:57] ↨†Anonymous†↨: And after some time, I can pick it up?!
    [24.08.2012 18:48:21] ↨†Anonymous†↨: You send to me the Activation code?! Thr it is up to me not understand!
    [24.08.2012 18:48:44] Andrew E Kunets: please wait
    [24.08.2012 18:51:42] ↨†Anonymous†↨: ok
    [24.08.2012 19:00:36] Andrew E Kunets: have you seen the code?
    [24.08.2012 19:00:56] Andrew E Kunets: give me the code?
    [24.08.2012 19:01:13] Andrew E Kunets: ?
    [24.08.2012 19:01:22] ↨†Anonymous†↨: 35514179
    [24.08.2012 19:01:37] ↨†Anonymous†↨:
    This came just that!
    [24.08.2012 19:01:47] Andrew E Kunets: ok your profile has been regsitered
    [24.08.2012 19:02:00] Andrew E Kunets: the result will be out by monday
    [24.08.2012 19:02:24] Andrew E Kunets: i will let you know and please take note of your act code ok
    [24.08.2012 19:02:25] Andrew E Kunets: bye
    [24.08.2012 19:02:54] ↨†Anonymous†↨:
    I have exactly will I receive my gift? or not!?
    [24.08.2012 19:03:49] Andrew E Kunets: if you win we will ship to you free
    [24.08.2012 19:05:34] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Well, how would I count on the attached))) I Have no Finance buy yourself any IPhone!!! If would you care to tell me all the details about your shares

  • Автор

    [25.08.2012 10:02:08] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Hello
    [25.08.2012 14:58:49] Andrew E Kunets: hello
    [25.08.2012 15:06:07] ↨†Anonymous†↨: hello
    [25.08.2012 15:06:35] ↨†Anonymous†↨: i win ithone?
    [25.08.2012 15:07:34] Andrew E Kunets: sorry i have not yet receives the result Sir
    [25.08.2012 15:07:44] Andrew E Kunets: i will contact you when i do ok
    [25.08.2012 15:07:44] ↨†Anonymous†↨: ok
    [25.08.2012 15:07:50] ↨†Anonymous†↨: ok ok
    [25.08.2012 15:08:29] ↨†Anonymous†↨: i think its tru about you compani?
    [25.08.2012 15:09:02] Andrew E Kunets: of course it is
    [25.08.2012 15:09:12] ↨†Anonymous†↨: happy))
    [25.08.2012 15:11:23] ↨†Anonymous†↨: how you compani give 20 ithones 20 people?
    [25.08.2012 15:11:35] ↨†Anonymous†↨: it s free?
    [25.08.2012 15:14:00] Andrew E Kunets: yeah, it is for the promotion of the company
    [25.08.2012 15:14:13] Andrew E Kunets: so you know of sprint inc USA?
    [25.08.2012 15:14:22] ↨†Anonymous†↨: no?
    [25.08.2012 15:14:30] ↨†Anonymous†↨: !!!
    [25.08.2012 15:14:34] ↨†Anonymous†↨: sorry
    [25.08.2012 15:14:56] Andrew E Kunets: ok they are the owners of e-sprint electronics
    [25.08.2012 15:14:59] Andrew E Kunets: plemix
    [25.08.2012 15:15:05] ↨†Anonymous†↨: you have addres this compani?
    [25.08.2012 15:15:29] Andrew E Kunets: do you want to buy any product?
    [25.08.2012 15:15:40] ↨†Anonymous†↨: i saw in the internet
    [25.08.2012 15:16:05] ↨†Anonymous†↨: what product do you have?
    [25.08.2012 15:16:45] Andrew E Kunets: wait
    [25.08.2012 15:17:30] Andrew E Kunets: http://el-sprint.webs.com/apps/webstore/
    [25.08.2012 15:19:29] ↨†Anonymous†↨: cool))
    [25.08.2012 15:20:09] Andrew E Kunets: yeah we also offer free shipment to our first time buyer
    [25.08.2012 15:20:38] Andrew E Kunets: so if you are buying it will the first time you are buying from us so you will be charged for shipment
    [25.08.2012 15:21:18] ↨†Anonymous†↨: if i not buy?
    [25.08.2012 15:21:41] Andrew E Kunets: no problem, if you win we ship your phone to you
    [25.08.2012 15:21:54] Andrew E Kunets: where are you located?
    [25.08.2012 15:22:14] ↨†Anonymous†↨: kazakstan, you know?
    [25.08.2012 15:22:27] ↨†Anonymous†↨: kazahstan))
    [25.08.2012 15:22:29] Andrew E Kunets: where in kazakhstan?
    [25.08.2012 15:22:54] ↨†Anonymous†↨: astana
    [25.08.2012 15:23:13] ↨†Anonymous†↨: its capital of kazahstan
    [25.08.2012 15:23:19] Andrew E Kunets: ok good
    [25.08.2012 15:24:02] Andrew E Kunets: if you win we ship to you and you settle the shipment charges
    [25.08.2012 15:25:31] ↨†Anonymous†↨: ok
    [25.08.2012 15:25:54] Andrew E Kunets: good
    [25.08.2012 15:37:35] ↨†Anonymous†↨: And what you have is the choice of the winner if I may ask?
    And then I have this in the first))) I just grief of desire to win)))
    [25.08.2012 15:38:02] Andrew E Kunets: i do not know sir
    [25.08.2012 15:38:13] Andrew E Kunets: i do not decide who wins
    [25.08.2012 15:38:18] Andrew E Kunets: it is a lottery
    [25.08.2012 15:40:31] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Clearly Thank You! for the information! I vasche thought that the first 20 people sent to the Apple iphone, 4s 32gb
    [25.08.2012 15:40:57] Andrew E Kunets: no it is a lottery
    [25.08.2012 15:41:56 | Изменены 15:42:06] ↨†Anonymous†↨: It is clear!Thank You! Will wait for Monday to look!!! good Luck you and your Company!
    [25.08.2012 15:43:35] Andrew E Kunets: thank you

  • Автор

    [17:27:30] Andrew E Kunets: hello good day
    [17:27:45] Andrew E Kunets: i have received the result
    [17:27:59] Andrew E Kunets: here is the winner code: 35514179
    [17:28:03] Andrew E Kunets: is that you?
    [17:28:44] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Yes I am!
    [17:29:03] Andrew E Kunets: wait are you Michael?
    [17:29:28] ↨†Anonymous†↨:
    Yes Mikhail
    [17:29:37] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Михаил
    [17:29:47] Andrew E Kunets: ok congrats!!! (y)
    [17:30:21] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Thank you
    [17:30:35] Andrew E Kunets: do you have any body in the United Kingdom?
    [17:31:36] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Я вас не понял?! Типо связи в США?!
    [17:31:44] ↨†Anonymous†↨: I did not understand you?! The type of communication in the USA?!
    [17:33:04] Andrew E Kunets: ОК я имел в виду, есть ли у вас тело в Соединенное Королевство, чтобы помочь Вам подобрать телефон?
    [17:34:02] ↨†Anonymous†↨: No I'm sorry I have no friends!
    [17:34:55] Andrew E Kunets: oh sorry what are we gonna do?
    [17:35:32] ↨†Anonymous†↨:
    Well, I can choose to just let the data!
    [17:36:01] Andrew E Kunets: you may have to pay for shipment
    [17:36:14] ↨†Anonymous†↨: And why choose?! If mark is the Apple iphone, 4s 32gb.!?
    [17:36:35] Andrew E Kunets: what?
    [17:37:26] Andrew E Kunets: ???
    [17:38:09] ↨†Anonymous†↨: well you say Phone to choose зачемп him choose if the Apple iphone, 4s 32gb.
    [17:38:25] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Or I just do not correctly understand you?!
    [17:38:38] Andrew E Kunets: yes you have won the phone but you have to come pick it up
    [17:38:44] Andrew E Kunets: it is how it is done
    [17:39:04] Andrew E Kunets: we can not give out phone and still ship to you with our money
    [17:39:27] Andrew E Kunets: sorry but if you know you want the phone you have to pay for shipment
    [17:39:54] Andrew E Kunets: shipment to kazakhstan will cost 100$ and sjipment will take just 36 hours
    [17:41:14] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Well! I I agree, and as I receive it and to whom to give money?!
    [17:42:06] Andrew E Kunets: you will have to send the money to our promo manager to make the shipment to you
    [17:42:30] Andrew E Kunets: you are sending to Mr Jah Freeman
    [17:44:14] ↨†Anonymous†↨: И как мне это послать?!
    [17:45:16] Andrew E Kunets: у вас есть кредитная карта?
    [17:45:30] ↨†Anonymous†↨: нет
    [17:45:39] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Терминал?!
    [17:46:37] Andrew E Kunets: ОК, не проблема, то вы будете производить оплату через Западный Союз, это быстрый и безопасный
    [17:46:54] Andrew E Kunets: Вы знаете, Western Union?
    [17:47:29] ↨†Anonymous†↨: No but I can get Acquainted!
    [17:48:00] Andrew E Kunets: no you will not get acquanted!!
    [17:48:10] Andrew E Kunets: no body is cheating you
    [17:48:34] Andrew E Kunets: once we get the 100$, we ship to you
    [17:48:49] ↨†Anonymous†↨:
    I have a webmoney purse
    [17:49:04] Andrew E Kunets: we do not accept that
    [17:49:19] Andrew E Kunets: you have to make the payment through western union Sir
    [17:50:17] Andrew E Kunets: Я знаю, вы имели в виду думаю, ING, что это обман, а это то, что почти все говорят на первый,
    [17:51:20] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Mmm! and I Thought you отпровляете here Apple iphone, 4s 32gb and then something would have to pick it up I have 100$ to pay! I should not отпроволять the first money you if I win it you should I send it and to pick I then have to give these 100$!!!!! but not as a forward right now!
    [17:51:23] Andrew E Kunets: я могу отправить вам копию моего паспорта, чтобы доказать свою легитимность
    [17:51:54] Andrew E Kunets: you have to send if you are not going to do that
    [17:52:08] Andrew E Kunets: than you can forget about the phone Sir!!!
    [17:52:51] ↨†Anonymous†↨:
    Send me your copy of the passport
    [17:53:55] *** Andrew E Kunets отправил Мои реквезиты.docx ***
    [17:54:06] Andrew E Kunets: that my passport
    [17:59:21] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Хорошо! я щас проверю ваши данные в этом городе где вы прописаны и удостоверюсь что это не лож!ок?!
    [17:59:55] ↨†Anonymous†↨:
    And you can also find out the details of Your managers or Administrators?!
    [18:01:03] Andrew E Kunets: Нормально Хорошо, проверить и вернуться ко мне.
    [18:01:31] ↨†Anonymous†↨: And you can also find out the details of Your managers or Administrators?!
    [18:02:30] Andrew E Kunets: details of my manager???
    [18:02:35] Andrew E Kunets: who are you!
    [18:02:43] Andrew E Kunets: i mean what do you want to buy?
    [18:03:24] Andrew E Kunets: if my details along is not good enough for you>>> forget it!!, we will find somebody else and give the phone
    [18:06:32] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Do not you worry just give the data of Your Manager!
    [18:07:10] Andrew E Kunets: sorry i cannot ok
    [18:07:19] Andrew E Kunets: my manager is from United kingdom
    [18:07:48] Andrew E Kunets: i can not give out his details just because somebody that won iphone wants it
    [18:08:35] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Well! I think about it until Tuesday?!OK?! you It would suit?!
    [18:10:09] Andrew E Kunets: ok good
    [18:10:13] ↨†Anonymous†↨: And I can give a copy of your real Passport?! I as would be right now your international Passport is not what for!?
    [18:10:31] Andrew E Kunets: i have to work now bye
    [18:11:09] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Good!
    [18:17:18] ↨†Anonymous†↨: Str. Beybitshilik, 47/1 office 101, Алматы, 010001, Казахстан Это вашь Адрес?!

  • Развод!

  • Автор

    Короче он мне еще свои данные оставил копию Паспорта Заграничного!

    Добавлено через 00:18 мин.
    КаБаНчИк, Artur Maratovich,
    Стоп Флуд!

  • кидала 146%

  • :shok:2: развод

  • в твоих сообщениях типа "суббота" "воскресенье " "понедельник " нихера не понятно:kidding: :kidding: :kidding:

  • Автор

    Переписка в скайпе!!!Скопируй это все впереводчик Яндекса и поймешь!

  • Автор

    ***** Nakolka**,
    Иди HAXУЙ

  • не кидай деньги развод

  • смотри если есть возможность связатсо с участники и спроси у них им писали такоеже самое что и тебе! и все разьяснитцо

  • Автор

    Короче я их тоже наебу !!!Скажу у меня нашелся знакомый который заберет мой айфон!)))

    Добавлено через 00:50 мин.
    У меня нету связи с участниками!!!

  • id166057575, прикол комуто беслпатный айфон будет если совпадёт место человек и время

  • Автор

    Щас создам 2 связь skype Добавлю другого чувака и Пообщаюсь)xD
